Thank you so much.
I would like to ask some questions now of Chief Hanson. I have to congratulate you and the Calgary Police Service. They are doing amazing work in terms of human trafficking and this whole issue. Your coming here today and your thoughtful comments mean a great deal on this committee.
I have a couple of questions. You were talking about the exit strategies and the need for more money, and that has come out very comprehensively. You've also talked about the overrepresentation of aboriginal women and the need to reduce the gender bias in our society. I thought that very compelling because 10 years ago we would not have heard that from police forces. Can you expand a little bit more clearly on what you've seen on the streets in terms of underage girls on the streets and also about the idea of how women are expected to be treated and accepted and this kind of involvement in the sex trade? Could you expand on what you were saying a little earlier more fully?