Thank you.
Thanks, Detective. We share a little bit of a common bond. I did three years of UC, so I clearly understand where you're coming from. I clearly understand the frustrations. I never did human trafficking UC; mine was in drugs. Having said that, there are similarities, and I believe you would agree.
From the perspective of tools for the police, we utilize the Criminal Code from time to time as a tool, not as a hammer but as a tool. It's used more often than not by police officers because it allows them to leverage what they need to leverage from time to time. One thing you mentioned is that you will come across a victim of human trafficking vis-à-vis prostitution in a hotel room; you'll be speaking to him or her, mostly her; and the tool you're able to utilize is subsection 213(1), which allows you to remove them from that, or at least speak to them. Is that correct?