As in any business, we go where our clients are. When you force us into dark, industrial zones, as what happened in Vancouver—and those were also known as Robert Pickton's killing fields—this will happen to us here again with this bill. I can see it.
I am also old enough to know how this works when you have this kind of criminalization. The way brothels used to work prior to the 1978 Hutt decision, the mob pretty much ran things unless you were lucky enough to live in Halifax, where Ada McCallum, a well-known madam, ran several satellite brothels throughout Halifax and Dartmouth. Working with Ada was okay.
But in Toronto and Montreal and Vancouver, brothels were primarily owned by guys with muscle who could pay the police off, and word of mouth is how the advertising had to be.
So we need to go where the clients go and you end up working up in one of those brothels, very underground.