Actually, we've pretty much rewritten clause 5 to make it consistent with the Corrections and Conditional Release Act.
This government motion would amend clause 5, which deals with conditions imposed as part of the conditional release of an offender from a federal penitentiary under the authority of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act. As introduced, clause 5 proposes to amend the CCRA to ensure that the releasing authority has the power to impose non-contact or geographical conditions to restrict offenders.
While current legislation and policies authorize the Parole Board of Canada and Correctional Services of Canada to impose special conditions and instructions to manage an offender's risk in the community, there is no specific obligation to consider the input of victims in establishing appropriate conditions.
The proposed government amendment would ensure additional emphasis in legislation to victims' needs and consideration of the conditions that would be appropriate to protect a victim or others. We've heard Ms. O'Sullivan talk about their security.
The releasing authority would be obliged to impose reasonable and necessary conditions on offenders, including non-communication or geographic restrictions, if a victim or other person has provided a statement regarding the harm done to them, the continuing impact of the offence, and safety concerns or comments on the possible release of the offender.