You've raised a very good point.
As I've indicated, there have to be some procedural safeguards in place, particularly when the offender does not know the address of the victim.
We're a very broad and expansive country. As has been pointed out by many people here, we have small rural communities, northern communities, fly-in communities, and large urban communities. If a range is to be put in, one example is that written consent could be given in advance by the victim, saying they are fine with the two-kilometre boundary. I think that you could broaden the radius.
These are some of the procedures that would have to be considered, particularly when the offender does not know the victim’s residence. I think everyone here agrees that this is common sense in cases where an offender is moving back in across the street.
My concern is that we make sure that with whatever procedural safeguards are put in place, there is also a process that considers the victims.