There is a motion on the table for me to request that the survey be delivered to the committee prior to Tuesday.
(Motion negatived)
Thank you, Madam Boivin.
Witnesses, sorry for that slight delay. We'll make sure we make it up to you.
We're here for our final panel of the day.
As individuals, we have Jeanne Sarson, and Linda MacDonald. From Exploited Voices Now Educating, we have Trisha Baptie; and from the Northern Women's Connection, we have Larissa Crack and Heather Dukes.
By video conference, we have two groups. The British Columbia Civil Liberties Association is being represented by Josh Paterson; and PACE Society, by Sheri Kiselbach and Laura Dilley.
We will hear from our witnesses in that order.
Are you working separately or together?