We made a documentary about the issue, which is called Red Light Green Light, and it took us to 10 countries to look at how different countries have dealt with the prostitution issue.
We interviewed numerous victims, the heads of anti-trafficking units, in Stockholm, Amsterdam, and Bern, as well as researchers, after-care workers, etc. There were over 50 interviews in total. Basically what we would like to highlight here today are some of the things we learned on our journey, and to introduce you to some of the people we met.
We met a detective who investigates trafficking incidents in Nevada's legal brothels. He explained that Nevada has a prostitution culture that is fuelled by a booming demand for paid sex. Because of all this demand, pimps have started recruiting teenage girls in malls, luring them to the Strip with promises of cash.
We interviewed an after-care worker who told us that one of her biggest challenges is that grade 12 boys are pimping grade 9 girls out of high school bathroom stalls.