I think that would have prevented me from working in safety. I would have been more afraid, since my clients could be criminalized. That's very important. Assessing clients is very important.
Among sex workers, we send one another messages and warnings to be careful. A list of problematic clients is provided by certain organizations managed by and for the community. If this legislation is passed, my clients will be criminalized, and the good ones may stay away.
The bad clients are the ones who may not fear justice or police. Like in any other job, there are good and bad clients. We like some clients a lot and others a bit less. However, criminalizing clients—who could be a colleague, a brother or a sister of yours—will definitely put off someone who has a family life and fears losing their job.
We shouldn't forget that about 10% of my clientele was made up of women. I had women clients. What is to be done with them? It is said that clients are bad people, men who persecute, but there are also female clients. No one talks about that. Should they also be considered as perverts? What are we to do with that problem?
I think the way this legislation criminalizes clients will not fix anything. It will simply shift the issue and bring back the witch hunts that were being carried out before.