All right. That is the end of the clauses in all three parts. We have about a minute left, so here's my suggestion.
We are getting feedback from the Senate, the same report. We've had some questions here today that you've generously offered to respond to.
We will be hearing from the minister on Thursday. We will be starting the discussion and the review of the Victims Bill of Rights. I'll have a suggestion when we come on Thursday and after we hear from the minister about witnesses and number of meetings.
Here is a suggestion based on what we've received thus far. The next section after the break week will give us six meetings, and based on the number of witnesses provided thus far, that should be plenty of time to deal with that particular item.
We will spend maybe all six meetings on that particular item, and then when we get back, after that next break, the November 11 break, my suggestion is that it may be time for us to take that very first meeting to bring this back to the table. We will have answers by then. We will be able to deal with what stays and what goes so we can move this on and they can do their work.
That is my suggestion at this point. Are there any questions?
Yes, Madame Boivin.