Sure. Thank you.
I have just a couple of points to add.
We have victims who come into our institutions now to attend parole board hearings. One of the things we're very conscious of is their safety and security while they're in the institution. We have a good track record around providing physical protection for victims but also of providing emotional support for them as well. As you can well imagine, walking into that kind of environment and facing somebody who has committed a harm to you can result in a significant emotional reaction. We also have that kind of support.
As was pointed out, in terms of individuals out in the community, decisions that are made by our wardens of the institutions have to take into account any issues raised by the victims regarding their safety, in terms of decisions they may be able to make around escorted temporary absences or even unescorted temporary absences. In addition, as we go forward we'll be looking at how we can use technology to help enhance our ability to monitor offenders who may be out in the community under conditional release, so if they have those kinds of geographic restrictions, we can stay on top of those and ultimately provide the safety and security that victims are looking for from us.