It has been a long day, Mr. Chair. It was second reading, of course.
I have a few questions.
You mentioned the right of the victim to a whole list of things, Mr. Churney. I recall meeting a victim in my office a few years back, and he was very concerned about the release or the whereabouts of the offender. He seemed to know what was going on, more or less. He seemed to know that the offender had been transferred to another penitentiary. He seemed to know, if I recall correctly, that the offender maybe wasn't necessarily embracing his correctional plan.
Has it been more of a hit-and-miss thing up until now? Has the release of information not been consistent ? Is that what this bill accomplishes: it codifies certain things, and makes sure there is consistency where before it really depended on circumstances, or the province, or what have you? Is that what you're saying when you say that the bill builds on an already good foundation?