The immediate enforcement and the mechanisms by which that will be achieved will happen over time. This won't be like flicking a switch; it will require some adaptation.
I would suggest that it will put in place a greater linkage between those other complaint mechanisms and the federal victims ombudsman office, which is a relatively new insertion into our criminal justice system, since 2006-07. That office will allow for oversight, and I suggest that over time it will develop a working relationship with those other mechanisms, those other complaint processes, at the provincial and territorial levels.
To come back to your question about funding, there is also increased funding from the federal level into things such as the aboriginal justice system and victim advocacy organizations.
I would suggest, Madame Boivin, if you have not had the opportunity, to please visit one of these child advocacy centres. This is perhaps one of the most innovative insertions of victims' rights that I've seen in my lifetime, as far as getting young people the type of help and support they need at the very front end of the system. It reduces victimization for them at that tender years stage.
I would suggest that there is—