Welcome, everyone, to meeting number 47 of the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights. The orders of the day are pursuant to the order of reference of Friday, June 20, 2014, for Bill C-32, an act to enact the Canadian victims bill of rights and to amend certain acts. We're beginning our study of that bill today.
We had the minister at our meeting before the break. Today we have from Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Andrew Murie, chief executive officer, national office; as individuals, Claude Laferrière, who is a lawyer, and Robert Hooper, who is a lawyer and a victims right advocate; Steve Sullivan, former Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime; and from Boost Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention, Karyn Kennedy, the executive director.
Thanks to all of you for joining us today.
In the order listed on the notice of meeting, we will have each witness give a presentation of up 10 minutes. Then we will go to a round of questions and answers from all parties.
We will start with Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Andrew, the floor is yours.