Thank you, Mr. Chair, and thanks to each of our witnesses.
Ms. Nagy, it's good to see you again. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your leadership in helping the victims of human trafficking. We last met at the Freedom Walk in Toronto a few weeks ago, and you made a very inspiring speech there. I know you've written at least two books to help police officers and those who counsel the victims of human trafficking. I think it's very important that we acknowledge that work that you and your organization have done.
You mentioned in your opening remarks that you were happy with the new section 486.31 of the Criminal Code as proposed by clause 17 of Bill C-32. I note it provides for the non-disclosure of the identity of a witness, in a number of circumstances, and requires the court to consider whether the witness needs protection from intimidation or retaliation, whether there's a need to protect the security of anyone who is known to the witness—I guess a family member, or friend, or associate of the witness—and also for the purposes of encouraging the reporting of offences.
Can you tell us why that's important to victims of human trafficking and the people who you serve?