No, I know. I appreciate that.
My last question is for the Grand Chief.
Maybe I was just a little bit confused when I was listening to you.
I proudly represent the Cree nations of Montana, Samson, Louis Bull, and Ermineskin, which collectively used to be known as Hobbema. Now it's Muskwachis, and there are 12,000 to 18,000 people living on that reserve, depending on the stats that you get.
In your testimony you said that victims are most likely to know their aggressor, and this is on-reserve. The rate of incidents of incarceration is eight times higher, I believe, than it is for folks living off-reserve, and yet you said that the discriminatory aspects of the Gladue decision need to somehow be applied to the victims. I would suggest to you that in the largely homogenous population that we have living on reserve.... Can you explain to me what you meant by the discriminatory side of things? I'm a little bit unclear.