Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I also want to thank all of our witnesses.
I appreciate what you are doing for victims. Most of you are doing this through your groups. I especially want to thank you for taking an interest in the Canadian Victims Bill of Rights.
I will begin with Ms. Walker, who was the first to take the floor.
Welcome back to our committee, Ms. Walker. I appreciate what your organization does for victims, especially in those types of situations. It is absolutely not easy.
What is the number one problem that the victims whom you counsel and help have with the justice system? Is it to file?
I was absolutely flabbergasted when I saw the statistics on the number of complaints that are not filed because either the person doesn't trust the justice system or doesn't believe they'll have....
You started with the CBC thing, and we can all see the types of comments people receive for—let me say it in French—
daring to file a complaint or protest about something.
What is the number one problem victims face within the criminal system?