We can't narrow it down to one problem, because every woman who comes in to our office, in the same way as every man coming in to your office or your organization, would identify a multitude of problems. There is tremendous fear of their partner, should they have to testify against them. We know that the time when women leave an abusive partner is the highest-risk time for them, with respect to either serious injury or homicide.
They're very fearful that if they report, they will suffer complete backlash, and shaming and blaming, and their family will abandon them, their church will abandon them—everybody will abandon them.
It could result in separation, and they cannot financially take care of themselves. They'll become homeless.
Legal aid certificates don't provide enough hours.
There's a variety of issues. Then, to access the criminal justice system is extremely difficult. To go to the police and have to tell these terrible, horrible stories.... Although we try our best to train police officers, there are still some who ask, especially in sexual assault cases: “What did you do? How much were you drinking? What were you wearing?”
There's a variety of issues.