First off, you raised a couple of questions there.
First, in dealing with the definition of victim, my biggest concern is actually for victims. The fact is that I want the definition to be consistent, at least in a particular province. We're dealing with rank-and-file everyday individuals. If they're victimized—again, through no fault of their own—I don't want them victimized a second time through the system by basically getting a runaround. Many people don't have the clear delineation between the federal, provincial, municipal governments that we deal with every day. That's why I want there to be a consistent and common definition so that, again, it becomes easier for them to navigate what can be a very complex justice system.
As far as the process goes, we are actually in the process of reviewing how much that actually would cost. That again goes back to our request for a brief continuance here, for roughly six months, as I'd indicated to the earlier commenter.