Even with the case experience you're citing, I mean, that would be deemed reasonable, but I can't see a judge saying to someone, for instance, “I will wait. We'll finish this. We didn't have time. It just happened. We will take a few minutes after and we will notify.” I think there is the space there, so to strike down the whole point....
I want to go to Mr. Wamback's point. He talked about resources. If it's a question of resources behind the point of view of CBA and Juristes de l'État on striking some of those, well, then, let's force the government to put the money where their mouth is and to say “You know what? We believe in those rights. We will put in the resources.”
I feel for you, because I know that my colleagues in the courts will have to.... We had a justice minister who told us that they will have to adapt on those issues.