With the translation I understood the question to be: do I think that Canadians who are victimized outside the borders of our country still should be classified as victims? Absolutely.
Certainly, perpetrators of crimes are still demanding their rights as Canadian citizens when they've been successfully prosecuted for crimes outside the country, and I want to bring balance to this. This is not a new step. It's new for Canadians, perhaps, but other countries do this, many other countries. Most other countries do. It saddens me, and most Canadians who become aware of this. They just assume that when they come back to Canada, especially if they're living in Canada, they will be treated with the same amount of respect and dignity as if the crime weren't committed outside our country. That was not the case for me. I was penalized because my late husband was a Canadian. Even though he resided in Ontario, the act happened in the U.S., and I was penalized in many ways.