Mr. Chair, this is an attempt to create an additional sub-category that would constrain the ways in which the act is construed. One would be that the act should not be construed in a way that will impose an unreasonable financial burden on the provincial criminal justice system. I've heard members opposite invoke additional costs to the criminal justice system as a reason to reject some opposition amendments so far. This is one to ensure the act itself does not impose additional costs.
You may have noticed there was an article in the Calgary Herald in August that pointed out the cost to the Government of Alberta of Bill C-10 that was passed in the fall of 2012. The so-called Safe Streets and Communities Act was expected to put a cost of $18 million a year on the Province of Alberta's coffers. This is a check as we go through the implementation of this act that it's not creating an unfair burden on provincial governments.
Thank you.