This motion, as we know, is deemed moved because I'm not a member of this committee, but I'm not allowed to present amendments at report stage any longer because this opportunity has been made available to me. It's not the fault of any of you that I feel coerced, but there you are.
The amendment I'm suggesting, while not endorsed by the Federal Ombudsman for Victims of Crime, certainly Sue O'Sullivan's testimony and evidence to this committee was that the ambit of people who can be considered victims as a result of a crime should be expanded.
What Green Party amendment PV-1 attempts to do is merely change paragraph (b) of proposed section 3 on page 2 by removing the words “in a conjugal relationship”. It would read that you were “cohabiting” and therefore would be someone who has access to the redress that is made available to victims under this bill.
Thank you.