Mr. Chair, thank you for the floor again.
I'll give you an overview of amendments PV-4 and PV-5, although I'll come back to PV-5.
Both of these deal with trying to inject into this legislation something that had been part of the initial recommendations, even before this bill was first drafted, from the Ombudsman for Victims of Crime and that is to provide in Canada the equivalent of what's available in California. The California Victims' Bill of Rights of 2008 created something which I think you're all familiar with, Marsy's Law, and the card that's presented.
The Marsy's card gives a victim a very clear and concise statement of what kind of rights they'll receive under the act. As I said, this goes back to recommendations that go back to June 2013 as well in the Department of Justice submission from the ombudsman. It would read very simply. This would create a subsection 6.1 following from the sections we've just reviewed that:
Every victim has the right to receive, free of charge, a written statement summarizing all of their rights under this Act.
Thank you.