Everyone can read. This is probably the simplest amendment in terms of wording. The amendment simply aims to remove the words “on request” from clause 6. You can see that we did the same thing for clauses 7 and 8.
We are proposing this amendment in response to what victims groups have told us. One of the criticisms against the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is that it contains a number of grey areas. It contains a number of clauses that make us wonder whether they would be applicable in practice and how.
Once again, this is a basic principle. I think these are probably the most important provisions of the bill, as they set out victims' rights. Victims have certain rights, but they have access to them only on request. However, I feel that we should not have to ask for our rights.
There are enough other provisions that provide guidance on how things should or should not be done. With my Conservative friends reaffirming that basic principle, I would say the following to them:
put your money where your mouth is.
These are probably the key provisions of his bill. Victims should have that right without any limitations.