For criminal legal aid, we have $108.3 million; for court-ordered counsel, $1.65 million; for legal aid related to public security and anti-terrorism measures, $2.0 million; for program operations—the people who help us administer this and their operating costs—$1.63 million. In these supplementary estimates (B), we have $11.5 million for immigration and refugee, $0.5 million for cessation and vacation in the citizenship and immigration context, and $0.88 million with respect to public security and anti-terrorism, for a total of $126.46 million.
The minister mentioned as well that in terms of what an ordinary person would understand as legal aid, we should also add an amount which is transferred in an access.... I should let Elizabeth explain. It's an access to justice transfer for the three territories, so we've rolled together a series of transfers for them. That amount is $4.1 million, and that's ongoing resources, so it's not being voted in the supplementary estimates (B). It's just a different way of delivering a variety of programs to the territories to make it easier for them to administer it. We call it an access to justice transfer, but a chunk of it goes to criminal legal aid.