The bill will increase our capability to respond to the international responsibilities and agreements we have to fight this plague that is sexual tourism. This is really setting up the base. A while ago we set up our national sex offender registry. Now we have to make better use of it. This registry identifies sexual predators at high risk of offences against children.
It is important that we take action and that's why, with this bill, information will flow both directions between CBSA and the RCMP, so when the high-risk sexual offender is leaving the country, CBSA will be notified by the RCMP. When the individual comes back, CBSA will collect the exact data regarding the individual's travel abroad, and this information will be sent back to the national registry. This back-and-forth flow of information will close the gap and limit the abuse of our system some individuals may have committed in order to travel abroad to commit sexual tourism.
That's why I believe this is a strong measure. Information sharing is one of the pillars of this bill, and it is a measure that will close this gap.