I'll come back to Minister MacKay, I know he is working on an answer to the first question.
Minister Blaney, one of the big areas is that, as we all know, eventually these individuals come out of the correctional system. You are well aware of the program Circles of Support and Accountability which Steve Sullivan who is the director of Ottawa Victim Services spoke about at another committee. I'll just quote what he said, “If Circles of Support and Accountability loses its funding, communities will be put at greater risk.” He also said, “It's the only community program that stands between the more dangerous offenders and our children. It has saved countless children from violence and terror.”
The funding for that program has virtually been cut by your government. I'm not going to get into the long explanation of what those volunteers do to work with high-risk sex offenders when they come out, but the reality is they have saved countless families from sexual violence. Why is the government not continuing to fund that? Will you reconsider so that we can build on the rehabilitative side? We have to deal with all areas, not just penalties.