Thank you, Mr. Chair, and distinguished members.
While I'm the founder of the CCAA, I'm also a victim of childhood sexual abuse. Like many survivors, I ended up in the psych ward and was suicidal, so I can speak not only as a victim but as someone who works with victims.
I founded the agency 22 years ago. We service over 200,000 men, women, and children a year. We work with the first nations seniors. We work with the police with human trafficking. We have anti-bullying awareness and education. So I feel like I can really speak to this as a victim and as someone who works closely with them.
We did a report back in November 2004. We received funding from the Office for Victims of Crime in Ontario. We did a report called “Martin's Hope”, which I hold up here. I'm happy to provide it to the clerk for everyone.
There were 60 recommendations in that report. Thirty-nine of them are federal. We did round table discussions throughout Ontario with all the front-line workers: police, crown attorneys, Children's Aid, victims groups, and the public.
Actually the age of consent, which was passed a few years ago, is almost word for word from our report. We worked very closely with your policy advisers.
The two recommendations here for consecutive sentencing for crimes against children and the legislation around child pornography are totally in line with our report. As I say, these are the views of the public and of the front-line workers.
As has been said several times, crimes against children are going up more and more. They are becoming more violent. The children are younger. While I appreciate that this committee has to take time to go through this, I urge you that the sooner the better, because even as we're speaking, children are being abused. I'm glad you're treating this as a priority.
The other point I would like to make, and I've heard it mentioned several times and it's really important, is that these child advocacy centres are amazing. I understand there are 21 of them now in Canada, and they are very important, but I also would like to speak to the fact that there is very little available for adult victims.
I get calls, especially more and more from men now who have been victimized as children. There's very little help available for them so I would like to see more.
Every time I'm before this committee I bring it to your attention that we desperately need support for adult survivors.
I do workshops in prisons, and I know it was discussed that there's help for the pedophiles in prison or the perpetrators, which I think is important, but there's nothing for the victims.
Over 90% of the men in prison have been sexually abused as children, and in the women's prison they say it's over 85%. So there's quite a relationship between childhood sexual abuse and crime. As I say, I'm once again going to bat for the adults.
I think it's also critical for the victims who are watching this. They are so appreciative that the government is moving forward with tougher sentencing. They feel now they are being heard. I think it's very encouraging that once again we're going to increase the sentencing both for minimum and maximum.
I agree with David Butt that the judges now are not giving out the maximum sentences that we already have before them. Probably because we're moving it up higher, then maybe it will encourage the judge to perhaps go to a little tougher sentencing. While they may not go to the maximum, they at least will move it up a little bit.
The one last thing, which isn't in this report but it's in our recommendations and I hope one day we can consider it, is electronic monitoring. I also feel that's a wonderful way to help monitor the perpetrators when they are out of jail. I know it costs about $150,000 a year, I believe, to keep someone in jail so I think there's a way we could justify the cost of electronic monitoring.
I think my time's up. Thank you very much. I appreciate your time.