I don't pretend to be an expert on all sex offender research, but I've read a fair bit. What we know is that those who abuse within the family tend to have a lower risk for recidivism, whereas for the category of sex offenders who have a sexual orientation towards young children, usually of the same sex, those people have a higher risk. Those within the family probably wouldn't be on anybody's notification list. The Ottawa police aren't going to notify about Uncle Jim coming out, unless Uncle Jim has some other types of things.
Those familial offenders, incest offenders within the family, probably aren't the people who will be on the list. Those aren't the people who Susan is going to work with. You're looking mainly at the Graham James-type people who have this higher risk of reoffending.
If there was a publication ban for some reason—for example, it would identify the victim if you identified the offender—then I suspect the police service wouldn't make that notification.