No, I think we're on the same page. I apologize if I was not clear. There is no current database in respect of this issue. The current national sex offender registry is not changing. It is not becoming public. That will remain limited to law enforcement purposes.
What's being created, the database that we're looking at here, is essentially a compilation of existing public notifications done by PT jurisdictions. Right now, all provinces and territories have the authority to advise the public about the release of a high-risk offender in the public. During the course of those notifications, there are certain characteristics about that offender and the offences that are made public, and that's determined by the police force.
In each jurisdiction, they have their own protocols for the way in which those notifications are done and the kind of information that is made public, but that notification is limited to that jurisdiction and that province. What this database seeks to achieve is to essentially widen the access to all of those local notifications on a national scale, so that if the notification is made in Newfoundland, someone in British Columbia, for example, would be able to know of that notification. That's the database I'm referring to.