I think you'd hear from the broad community that more research needs to be done. NeuroDevNet is a great example of an organization that's doing a lot of work. They're trying to identify biomarkers. There is some positive evolution, but it's far from perfection. That's where investment is required. The Government of Canada did invest, I see here, $1.1 million into NeuroDevNet to help with FASD and autism research.
Those things are important in terms of diagnoses, understanding behavioural research. I think there is also value if you're looking for some direction in where else we can support research, understanding the required support services, be that housing, education, or human resource skills development. I think some research would be beneficial on that end so that when you do make the investments, you know they are the best investments that can be made, instead of just putting money into something and hoping you get a positive outcome. I think there is some value to having research ahead of time so you know what you're investing in. Any of those social support network stages are evidence based and are going to provide the best results.