With respect to correctional programs, the Correctional Service of Canada basically delivers cognitive behavioural treatment to many offenders. The treatments are based on three principles.
The first one is a risk principle, which states that more intensive treatment should be given to higher-risk offenders. The second one is the needs principle, which suggests that you should target criminogenic needs—areas that are linked with reoffending. The third is the one we're concerned with here. It is called the responsivity principle. It suggests that the style and mode of learning should be taken into account when delivering a program. When that is done, people with FASD can go through treatment successfully and make some gains and lower their recidivism rate.
The service is required to look at responsivity. That means, for example, that if there is a cultural element, it should deliver the program in cognizance of that different culture. But it also comprises the notion that any sort of cognitive impairment should also be taken into account. That might mean providing more repetition, being clearer and simpler in the delivery of the program, or focusing more on reinforcement.
You can have some good outcomes, but that result is predicated on the notion that you are screening people systemically to see what types of impairments they have and that you have the ability to adapt the programs. As Mr. Sapers said, there's no such thing as a program specifically for FASD currently in the system.