Let me start by saying that internationally FASD is starting to be recognized within the context of law. We know that there have been meetings. There's a big FASD and mental health meeting that happens in Vienna in the summer, and they are having a huge focus on FASD this year. It's starting to get some international traction in terms of that.
As a clinician, Dr. Andrew can answer this much better than I can, but we know that individuals with FASD differ in their neurodevelopmental deficits for a lot of reasons. We know, as Dr. Andrew suggested, that some of the traditional measures of whether you understand or not may not be relevant here, because the patterns of where the brain has issues are different from those of other neurodevelopmental disorders.
We're trying to figure out how different, and we're trying to look at other individuals who have neurodevelopmental disorders. How are they different and the same as individuals with FASD? How are their brains similar and different? Are there patterns that are similar and different? This is so we can understand some of the more specific effects of alcohol. We know—