Thank you.
It's a tall challenge for the Correctional Service of Canada. Over the years, we've made many recommendations that the Correctional Service of Canada tailor programs for individuals who face a variety of difficulties and challenges, whether they be age related, deficits that have resulted in some intellectual impairment or some physical impairment, or for people with different cultural backgrounds, etc.
The Correctional Service of Canada tries to accommodate all the needs that are identified but is also very focused on doing individual case management and case assessments. Every offender who comes into the system is screened and assessed. Criminogenic needs are identified and the kind of program plan that Dr. Zinger was talking about is developed based on the RNR model of program delivery. Programs are made available throughout an offender's sentence, and again, hopefully to prepare them for safe release.
The difficulty in accommodating the array of individual needs is that it becomes very time-consuming. It becomes very intensive from a human resources standpoint. The correctional system only has the ability to intervene for that period of time, for the sentence, and if it includes a health-focused treatment delivered by a health professional, then of course you have issues of consent in order to get involved.
The service is left with trying to accommodate the entire range of individual needs that can be identified at the same time as administering the sentence according to the order of the court. It's a very difficult balance to achieve. That's not to say that there's an excuse for the Correctional Service not to accommodate individual needs. Certainly, the service has to accommodate physical disabilities. The service has to accommodate a whole range of issues right now. Increasingly, the service is recognizing the need to accommodate mental health issues, and we've certainly made a number of recommendations about how the service can increase its responsiveness to mental health needs in corrections.