Thank you very much for what, I think, is a really important question.
I would like to say that I really think Canada is already one of the leaders in this field, but that there's still a tremendous amount of work to do. We are being looked to, and I think that's a double-edged sword. To say we are a bit of the leaders, it means that we are on the public stage and people are looking to see how we respond. I think that puts more of an onus on us to respond appropriately.
I would like to see national leadership—I think Ms. Ross spoke to the idea—and I would like to see stronger national leadership so we can reduce some of the provincial and territorial disparity in how services are delivered and support networks are put together.
We see some lovely models within individual provinces for how we can make some really effective networks work at a provincial level.
We need to move to a national level. The FASD Research Network is attempting to support that national perspective from a research place. In response to something Ms. Ross said, we do now have a universal central data holder, so we are starting to combine data from all over the country. We are starting to move with that. We need those same initiatives to operate at a public health level so that integration of information is happening with a national directive, not just provincial.