It's so situational. There are dogs out there, and we had a belief for many years.... I've been in the dog game for a long time. We had a belief years ago that we couldn't reteam dogs, we couldn't recreate that initial bond, and we couldn't count on the dog when the chips were really down on a reteam to defend the handler. We've grown, we've learned, and we do things so much differently than we used to. We're seeing and enjoying a lot more success with reteaming events when they do occur. It's so dependent on the dog. They're as individual as humans and they have personality quirks and traits.
Some dogs will never work the same for another officer. You just cannot duplicate it. Whereas other dogs, very driven dogs.... I use an analogy that I worked one tracking dog at one point in my career that I truly believe I could have tied a cinder block to my leash, given him the tracking command, and watched him head off over the horizon. He didn't care who was behind him. He was so driven to work. That was all he knew. Truly, anybody could have tracked with that dog. It's very situationally dependent.