Again, having been in service for many years, as Troy alluded to, we have an understanding of how the courts work and what 18 months actually equates to. If you've spent some time on remand, etc., these numbers become alarmingly small, alarmingly quickly.
A saying I've heard a number of times that has really always stuck with me is that it's not the fear of punishment that deters crime, it's the certainty of punishment that deters crime. To put it in lay terms, if I pick up a hammer and have a very unfortunate experience because of a lack of coordination with that hammer and I hurt myself, the very first thought in my brain the next time I pick up that hammer will be about the bad thing that happened. The first time I heard that saying—I can't remember where, but it's a quote from someone—it stuck with me. It's a very powerful statement that this truly is what deterrence is.