Again, you have the minimum sentencing. That's the minimum. What you're telling me is that at present they're actually giving out judgments that are higher than that minimum. I don't see that ever changing. Why should that ever change? Why should it fall back to the minimum? If the judge is sitting there and knows this is the minimum, and he feels that this character, because of what he or she has done, should not be at the minimum, he still has the ability to go higher. We haven't restricted the upper end.
But what we've done is make it very clear to people who think they're going to drink and drive, or who are taking driver training or are in any other such scenario, that there are consequences, and that this is the minimum, that it could be worse. But again, the goal here is to make sure that these people, when they're at 0.16, aren't out there next weekend and the weekend after, because they're going to kill somebody. You have to deal with them.