I still do drug and alcohol talks in the schools. I give some of my experiences to the kids, and I believe that most teenagers today are well informed of impaired driving laws. We've come a long way since the 1970s and 1960s when it was just about accepted behaviour. We've come a long way.
One of the other things that I think is important—and this goes to Ms. Péclet's statement—is that I don't think the sentence would be that harsh. I think that if you step into a vehicle and you're at 0.16 or more, you know you're at 0.16 or more. There is no question about it. The highest BAC reading that I ever collected as an RCMP officer was 0.43 in Kitimat in 1982. I will never forget it. He was at 0.43 and he was driving. The legal limit is 0.08. He was still alive.