Again, there are a lot of things that I think we could be doing to make a difference. This is just one of maybe a number of things that we should be looking at as a bigger total picture to deal with this.
Those are the frustrations I hear from my constituents. On the example you've given me where somebody knows how to play the system or has a smart enough lawyer who knows how to play the system, I've heard different examples of that.
Is there anything in this legislation that's going to prevent that? At this point, no. Is there something we can do in the future to do that? Again, I rely on this committee to look at those types of opportunities, because people are upset with the gamesmanship that's going on with regard to drinking and driving.
As for the RCMP factor, they have to recognize, too, that if this person is at twice the legal limit it's worth their time and effort to proceed with this and go through the courts, because this person will do it again and again until you stop them or until they kill somebody or hurt somebody. That's why you need to have the legislation here to go after the people who are at twice the legal limit.
This isn't about a casual drinker who made a mistake. This is somebody who is two sheets to the wind and driving. They need to be dealt with, and the RCMP need to take that seriously. Whether it's the RCMP, city police, or provincial police, regardless, they need to deal with it.