I know that in Prince Albert when we lost Ben.... He was a very well-respected business owner in the community, so let's just go through it from the community perspective and from what I heard around coffee row and in talking to people throughout the constituency. First of all, they couldn't believe it. They just asked if that was the best we could do, if that was it.
Look at the consequences of what happened. First of all, a wife lost her husband, the kids lost their father, employees lost their employer, and the community lost a great supporter—and that's just in the immediate area—all based on somebody being over the legal limit and having a little bit of cocaine in their system. For that, they got less than two years and a hundred-dollar fine. Where is that fair? I don't think you could ever say that anything is fair in that scenario. This definitely is not adequate. It definitely wasn't adequate enough to prevent this guy from getting behind the wheel and driving.