As Chair, I just want to say I've been honoured to be the chair and I want to thank you for the work this committee has done.
Just so you know, nothing was referred to this committee in the BIA, the budget implementation bill. There is a chance that there might be something in supps (A). I will check with each of you to see if it's worth getting together. It may be a small amount if it's anything. If not, I want to thank our interpreters for all the work they do. I need them badly, and I want to thank all the staff, of course.
I honestly wish everybody on this committee well in the next election. Who knows who will be the chair or what committee you'll be on, or what you'll be doing, but I do hope to see you all again. Other than those who have quit on us, like Ms. Crowder...I wish her well also.
With that, thank you very much. The next meeting will be at the call of the chair, if required, but I don't think that will happen.
Thank you very much.
The meeting is adjourned.