As for mandatory minimums, they basically apply to cases of recidivism, in a specific context involving quantity. The Crown will have to announce that it intends to prove that there has been recidivism.
Can you explain to us what type of recidivism we are talking about here? Will we have to prove culpability for this offence under the Criminal Code? Is there not a risk that this would be dealt with differently depending on the province a person is in?
In cases of impaired driving, for instance, it has often been the case that the Crown did not prove that it was a repeat offence. This explains why some cases make headlines, for instance when someone had already been arrested six times for impaired driving, and who was yet again caught behind the wheel.
Is there not a risk that this type of thing could also happen here? What really concerns me is the possibility that cases are treated differently depending on where a person is caught, in other words, that there is a double standard.
Does this worry you?