You'll see that there are a number of safeguards that need to be met whether a medical practitioner actually provides the medication, or whether it's self-ingested, for example. All of those safeguards need to be met along the way.
You'll see that proposed subsection 241.2(8) talks about the fact that there needs to be a final opportunity given to a person to reaffirm before any prescription, for instance, is given to a person, that it is what the person wants to do if that medication is handed over. That would be the time of the final opportunity for the patient to say yes or no. This is essentially providing an opportunity for people who may, for instance, want to die at home. They may want to die in the privacy of their own bedroom surrounded by their family and not want a medical practitioner to be there.
I could go through the whole list. I can give you the entire list of safeguards, but I think they're laid out quite nicely in the legislation. Whether or not the doctor is actually giving the person the pills in the same room, or whether the person is taking those pills or that injectable home to be administered by someone else, they would have to meet all of the same safeguards.