Ms. Savard, many thanks for what you have done for us. I wish you a happy retirement.
Now let me introduce the witnesses. We will start with the witnesses who are on video conference. Otherwise, we'll go by the agenda.
We do the video conference first because we definitely don't want to lose you at some point and then not hear from you.
From Victoria, B.C., we're joined today by the Peers Victoria Resources Society, with Ms. Sadie Forbes and Ms. Rachel Phillips.
Here in the room, appearing as individuals, we have with us Dr. Julie Kaye, Dr. Emily van der Meulen, and Ann De Shalit.
Welcome, all of you. We'll go in that order for the speeches.
Then we'll go to Thrive, with Ellie Jones and Melendy Muise. From Tungasuvvingat Inuit, we're joined by Kathy Morgan and Jennisha Wilson.
Welcome, all of you.
If it's okay with everyone, we're going to start with Peers and Ms. Forbes and Ms. Phillips.
If you can, please give us your statement within eight minutes.