Thank you.
In this last minute and a half, I'll confess that it's a bit intellectually challenging, but on the reverse onus and what we're trying to do in terms of addressing intimate partner violence head-on, it's a big commitment of our government. It's a big commitment in what we're trying to do in this legislation. As Mr. Rankin pointed out, what you're saying is that there will be this big unintended consequence. I hear you. I hear what you've just said, and I've read your brief.
You've talked about the concept of dual charging. My understanding of the bill, however, is that the reverse onus would kick in if there was an earlier conviction. There's a subtle difference between being charged versus actually being convicted, but in this world of mandatory charging, would you say that the women who are charged are therefore also gathering a conviction, which is leading to their bail potentially being denied on the back end, on a second go-round?