I think it should be removed completely. We already have the scheme, in British Columbia, in which police officers provide an affidavit with respect to a 90-day driving prohibition when the person is being charged with impaired driving, or for over 0.08 or refusal cases. We get that affidavit. We look at that affidavit. Then months later we end up going to court, and we have that affidavit from one process that we're then going to use in court during the trial of the substantive charges.
It's very common for us to find that the police officer has given evidence that is misleading to the tribunal, is outright wrong, or sometimes is what we would consider, personally, perjury. The police officer understands their obligations. They feel framed in with what they have to say, or they have a supervisor, or what have you. It is exceedingly.... It happens to us all the time that we get evidence that's been provided in an affidavit form in one venue, and then we have it in the criminal case. We can see that this is what's happened, so we think it should be turfed. It just doesn't—