Again, I can't say that we have any hard statistics on that; however, anecdotally, yes.
I would also say that as a coalition of 28 organizations across the country whose focus is primarily on sex work-related matters, we haven't yet carved out the opportunity to robustly discuss intimate partner violence and the impact of the bill thereon.
That said, as a community of folks who are criminalized—and the people around us are highly criminalized—we are very suspicious of and very reluctant to get on board with reverse onus provisions. Certainly, with the old “living on the avails” provision, and now with the material benefits provision, we see that reverse onus undermines the relationships at play. There certainly are charter implications.
While we certainly acknowledge that intimate partner violence is a serious widespread concern, we're not at the point of having a position on whether or not reverse onus or harsher sentences would actually have a meaningful impact.