I can actually respond to that really quickly. Very few women do come forward, because of fear. They're fearful of the police. They're fearful of being killed, because they've been threatened with murder. Also, the criminal justice system is not a woman-centred system. It has numerous systemic failures that discriminate against women and question women's stories.
We know that the average number of times women will be abused before they even go to the police is sometimes 30 to 40. Women do appreciate mandatory charge policies, because they are fearful that if they have to say, “Yes, charge him”, they'll be beaten after for doing that.
What we really need, in my opinion, is to develop a system whereby we can charge people and lead to convictions without relying on the victims' testimony all the time, because of fear. We've seen the enhanced investigations in San Diego and we've also seen interviewing of witnesses being very successful.