Others can speak and have spoken to the various parts of it, around the bail system and that sort of thing, and I think there are some good efforts there to address the remand situation. I think there are some good elements there. The view I take is different from that of other witnesses, but I think the evidence shows that any of the measures that are going to increase sentences, including increasing that ceiling for summary conviction offences, through hybridization....
We ought not to be increasing any penalties, because we've had this ratcheting up of sentences through various kinds of piecemeal legislation and we don't have the return that we want in terms of public safety. The cost is so high, in both human and fiscal terms, for everyone involved. We need a much more comprehensive sentencing reform that would involve all of the stakeholders and would involve looking at the evidence, starting with our sentencing principles, and see what's working and what's not. That, I think, is what needs to happen, rather than anything that would actually get us into a situation of increasing sentences.